Stanford Chaparral

Stanford in Miami

Beinvenido studentes! Coast-hop from campus to the city that never sleeps through our most exciting new domestic studies program.  Uncover historic Miami’s hidden treasures while studying with Stanford professors at the University of Miami.  Students will be housed in the Miami Stanford House, located in the heart of M-Town. Worried about finding your way to the House? Don’t! It’s painted Cardinal Red! Stanford in Miami is suited towards students interested in engineering, so sign up now. Prerequisites include one year of Spanish and two upper division computer science courses.

Stanford in Harvard

Did you want to go to Harvard but went to Stanford instead?  Become a virtual Harvard student by signing up for Stanford in Harvard.  Students live with each other in the Cambridge Stanford House, along with three professors and one RA.  The RA is a Harvard student!  Stanford professors teach unique courses on the lawns and quadrangles of great Harvard in order to make you feel integrated into the school.  See where J.F.K. went to college, and also go to school there in the same place. Students are also allowed to sit in on Harvard lectures.  For $8 a pop.

Stanford in Slums

Have you ever wanted to see what most of America does while you’re screwing around at Stanford? No? Then you aren’t the sort of person who should apply for Stanford in Slums, a study program that is located in the dirtiest parts of the dirtiest towns of our United States. Experience firsthand what it is to be poor. Know what it feels like to have absolutely no money. Become friendly with the impoverished. And study like the other half studies.

Stanford in Crisis

Everything is wrong, and there’s little you can do about it. Spend six months hopped up on caffeine pills, flailing your arms in despair. EVERYTHING IS WRONG. The world will blow up so soon, and all you can do is worry. You aren’t leaving campus for this study program. No. You and thirty other students will live in a quad in Roble and no one is allowed to sleep. Food will be provided because you will need the fuel. NO ONE SLEEPS. EVERYONE HAS HEADSETS.

Stanford in Spite of Itself

We just couldn’t help designing this study program.

Stanford in Love

Do you have a crush on someone and you want us to make him/her date you? This new study program will make your romantic dream a reality. Spend a quarter in love with the person you wish loved you back. We will force him/her to love you. It will be delightful. Dinners in the park, dogs barking, the whole nine yards. Just prepare to be crushed when the quarter is over. Why? Because whether or not you like it, baby, he/she doesn’t love you at all.